Mô holds a PhD in linguistics. She worked for nearly forty years as a speech therapist, while also teaching at the Nancy and Strasbourg medical schools.
Following the passing of her mother Jacqueline Burtin, Mô became the custodian of the Estate of sculptor Jean-Louis Burtin (1878-1940), a close friend of Émile Friant and his beneficiary. Mô has been immersed in Friant’s universe since her earliest childhood and learned about his art and technique from her mother.
Jean-Louis Burtin’s estate contained hundreds of works by Émile Friant, including paintings, drawings, studies, engravings and photographic plates. This early initiation and daily encounter with the artist led Mô to develop a passion for Friant and personally commit to promoting his work. For example, in 2006, she initiated and co-curated the exhibition Émile Friant, un nouveau regard for the Musée Georges de la Tour in Vic-sur-Seille. She has also organized several conferences and published many articles on various aspects of Friant’s work.
Since 2020, Mô has actively been working on the promotion of Friant’s art and accepted the presidency of its eponymous non-profit Association. She is deeply invested in the development of the Catalogue raisonné of Friant’s works.
Translated from French to English by Ms Agnès Penot